Isothermic recommended by Protegez-vous

Recommended by Protegez-vous

The entire Isothermic team is honoured to be recommended once again by the consumer magazine Protégez-vous, for the superior quality of our products and service.

Consumers trust Protégez-vous as a true guarantee of quality and confidence. We’re proud to live up to the magazine’s criteria of excellence.

Why choose Isothermic ?

  • CAA-Quebec Approved Supplier
  • SAV+ After-Sales Service Program
  • Custom Energy Star–certified products
  • Certified national installer program in accordance with the A440.4-19 standard
  • Superior quality AAMA-certified PVC
  • Products tested to withstand our harsh climate
  • A robust warranty

Need advice ?

We have several locations in Quebec. We’d love to hear about your project. Free consultations are available in-store or online, depending on your preference.

We look forward to working with you!